Solar Installation Components Calculator Add Mounting Area Please add at least 1 mounting area. Number of Solar Panels: Calculation Mode: Series / Parallel Auto The current solar panels configuration exceed the charge controller specifications. Number of Panels in Each Series: Solar Panels Max Amps: Solar Panels Max Volts: Solar Panels Width (inches): Solar Panel Length (inches - longest side): Center Clamp Thickness (inches): End Clamp Thickness (inches): Aluminum Rail Length: 18ft 16ft 14ft Number of PV Lines to Charge Controller: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Use same specs for all charge controllers? Charge Controller Specs Charge Controller Max Amps: Charge Controller Max Volts: Distance from PV Combiner Box to Charge Controller (feet): Max Current from PV Combiner Box to Charge Controller (Amps): Calculate Now Calculations